Monday, October 29, 2007


Current Mood: Pissed :S
Current Song: You're Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

I'm not in my best-est mood right now. So I am seriously sorry for the foul content that's gonna be published. I'm trying to rephrase it as nice as I can. Anyways there's two things that bothered me just now. Yes, just, and I feel like sharing with everyone because ..

  1. I am not afraid of telling the whole world about it, cos what's there to be scared of
  2. Take this as a lesson and a learning point for everyone
  3. Not all things come to a good end

So anyways, as I was saying, I will name this person "X" and this person "Y". Get the point? Good! So anyways, let's talk about person "X". Person"X" has some kind of attitude problem that's really hard to tell. Let's say I found it out in the beginning of the year and really find it a problem to syncronise with his frequency. A lot of people now began feeling disappointed towards him cos of his "sudden" attitude towards people. It's either he's trying to get attention from people like you & I, or, not interested at all. But hey, it ain't me that's concerned. "X" just don't realise how many people he have hurt.

Enough about "X", now let's talk about "Y". "Y" is not much of a problem, just that he blames me for things I've not done. It's really frustrating to see things like this occurs. Yes, it may be my fault, but think, do "Y" have to go to that extent to exaggerate about things I've yet done. Tsk Tsk. Pity you. "Y" thinks whatver he does is correct (self-centred) and yet he also doesn't realise that people soon start to realise things too.

Conclusion: People disregard our friendships and do not treasure them when they last. And people ought to hurt people without thinking. I've already done my part, the rest is up to "X" & "Y"

P/S: Question to pounder - Do you believe in 2nd Chances ?

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