Monday, February 11, 2008

It Ends Tonight All American Rejects

I loved today. Was not in the "Monday Blues" mood. Although me & Nas got scolded this morning for the pledge taking and the allocation duties (which was not entirely our fault), it didn't really dampen my whole mood like last last week. I'm thinking of dropping Amaths because I'm never a mathematics person, I love sciences! :D Anyways, Chemistry was pretty okay, I like Ms Fu's lessons. P.E was really really fun. After the running of 3 rounds around the school, played Dodgeball! We wonnnnn! Wohoooo. 3 cheers to white team, "Hip Hip Hooray!" LOL! Had Amaths, wasn't really paying attention cos my intention was to drop Amaths by MidYear. Recess was in class. Then, SS was funny as usual because Mr Tan always "picked" on KahHui to either "Shut Up" or "You Sucks" thingy. Haha! Really hilarious. Mr Tan's sacarsm is always funny (well most of the time) . V.E was okay we bought cookies & muffins from 4EA though we tried to shoo them away. Poor Darshe and Co. Then had Physics. Learnt new chapter (more like Chem) and the terms Mdm Lu used was really really wrong. Quotes: seduce, mistress, gay, lover, guy, girl . It was to "help" us understand about the attraction between negative and positive electrons/protons. LOL! After school stoned at Library ate with Zakiah, Timothy & Isyanto. Then had the talk and was made the "MCEE" -whines- And i suddenly couldnt speak properly on the mike. Guess wasn't trained for so long already. Rustyyyy! After which had fun with Zakiah, Lydia, RuiJia, Abrel & Huixin at HgMall! Awesome people. Mwahahhahahahha. I love today fullstoppp! Okays, common test tomorrow for English. All the best people! :D:D

P/S: I kept thinking of you every single moment. My heart stumbles upon hearing your name.

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